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Lorraine Connelly-Northey

Year 9-10 Question and Activity


Compare Connelly-Northey’s work with that of other artists who have worked with found industrial material such as Rosalie Gascoigne [1917-1999] and Robert Klippel [1920-2001]. Describe ways in which this work could be considered a re[representation of the landscape. What significance does recycling discarded industrial materials have for each artist? Discuss these ideas in class.


Select a functional object such as your school bag and re-make it using another material. Assess the difference between the two versions. What qualities in the new version create new meanings? How have the changes changed the way people interact with this once familiar object.





Narbong (String Bags), 2016, found materials, Various dimensions.

Dale Harding

Year 9-10 Question and Activity


Employing what he defines as “poetic sensibilities” Harding’s artworks become symbols for the lived experiences of his family and the broader Aboriginal community. In Bright Eyed Little Dormitory Girls, Harding uses a hessian sack to symbolise his grandmother’s experiences on Woorabinda Mission. Inspired by Harding’s practice, create a symbol that reflects the stories, personality or memory of a family member.




Bright Eyed Little Dormitory Girls – Sack 1, 2014, Etching and aquatint, 300 x 215 mm



Untitled (I am the new Blak), 2014 Etching, 535 x 410 mm

Steven Russell and Euraba Papermakers



Year 9-10 Critical and Historical Study


Year 9-10 Artmaking


Year 9-10 Photography and Digital Media


This task can be done in collaboration with Visual Arts students.




Fish Trap, 2017, Woven sculptural form - Kennedia prostrata [Running Postman] and Cayratia clematidea [native grape]

1050 x 500 mm



Murray Cod, 2010 (plant fiber and rag paper 2/5), 700 x 1800 mm

© 2018 Proudly created by Sydney Boys High school as an education resource.

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